Real Emerald Stone
- Stone Type: Real Emerald Stone
- Stone Size: 3-5 mm approx.
- Stone Shape: Flat Cutting
- Stone Weight: –
- Pearl Quality: Good
- Length: 22 inches approx.
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Special Treat for You! Complete your online payment purchase of 3k or more and enjoy a free pair of earrings as our assured gift to you! T&C applied.
Special Treat for You! Complete your online payment purchase of 3k or more and enjoy a free pair of earrings as our assured gift to you! T&C applied.
The package is beautifully packed with your own selected pearl set items.
We provide authenticity certificate for the pearls bought from us. This is to certify the originality of the item.
Each and every pearl that we sell is original and is covered in our guarantee program for its purity and fine quality.
We provide a jewelry folder or box for your precious and exquisite pieces to be kept safely.